Since the start of the next year, all companies shall be obliged to separate their waste by paper, plastic, glass and metals. They should transmit them to companies that are authorized to trade with separated waste or to special recovery organizations. So far only industrial enterprises were obliged.
From 1st January 2013 the rule shall apply to all users of commercial cites, industrial and administrative buildings and the penalty for non-compliance is from BGN 3000 to BGN 10 000 for a first offence. The repetition provides a double fine. Responsibility for the organization of control over their activities has the mayor but municipality must decide who will be the sanctioning authority.
Uncertainty about the new obligations due to the divergence of the regulations issued creates certain problems for the companies and administration. The law does not provide specific information about what is separate collection. According to the Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Waters each company will be able to determine how to collect waste itself as long as it proves that it is collected separately. According to the recovery organizations packages collection costs may not be covered by the value of the waste. If the quantities are small or company’s location is inaccessible they will be charged minimum prices for transporting and using the separation technique. We will monitor the development of legislation in the regard for you.