As a law firm, we are not only part of the business and law communities, but also of the social one. As such we feel the need to contribute to the well-being of our society. Therefore, Ilieva Voutcheva & Co takes active part in several volunteer social and environmental initiatives.
Our Pro Bono Policy
In the past, we provided pro bono work on a case-by-case principal. In 2018 we decided to put in writing the principles for providing pro bono work for those who need legal support but may not have the means to obtain it. The spectrum of our pro bono initiatives includes cases that help our society to prosper from the law. We regard the support of pro bono activity as a core value of our team. The Law Firm believes that lawyers have a duty to devote time to serve their society in positive ways.
In 2019 we turned our focus specifically towards assisting young professionals, artists and entrepreneurs.
If you need legal input into your rights as an artist, or you want to start a business, or you are at the start of your professional carеer we may be of help to provide you with pro bono advice.
The Green Circle
In 2010 ‘Manager’ magazine created a circle of members for Bulgarian companies supporting a variety of green ideas and politics, responsible for the preservation of the environment. The values of The Green Circle have been developed before the business forum “The Green Exit From The Crisis: Pure Nature For New Economical Growth”.
Our participation in this initiative contributes to the sustainable development of businesses in Bulgaria and reflects our desire to be a part of this change. Each of the companies which joined The Green Circle undertakes specific steps as part of the project. The steps we put into practice are:
- Multiple uses of each printer’s toner that we accomplish by refilling them rather than desposing of them;
- Reducing the use of paper through recycling: all promotional materials of the Law Firm are printed on recycled paper; we always use both sides of paper sheets and print only if necessary; we have entirely switched to electronic invoices;
- Tree planting: during the spring of 2011, we planted trees to enhance the urban environment;
- Support of eco and sustainable companies: we serve a number of clients who are active in establishment and development of wind and photosolar parks, thus contributing to the development and popularization of ecological electrical energy;
- Ecological transportation: a big part of the team walks to the office or use the public transportation;
- Spreading awareness: our new website promotes this initiative, as well as sustainable and ecological lifestyle;
- Power saving – we use energy saving bulbs and all household appliances are of the highest power-saving class; we turn off our computers when we do not work on them; we use our air conditioners optimally and clean them regularly in order to save energy; we do not leave lights or appliances on when we are not using them;
- Reducing plastic waste: we use textile bags when shopping.
Club 50+
As of 2010 Ilieva, Voutcheva & Co Law Firm has become a partner of Club 50+, an internet site, focused at people in adulthood or over 50. We give free legal consults and articles which are published on this site. We do it with pleasure because we realized that we, as well as the creators of Club 50+, believe in ‘the strength of human spirit, the right of every human of dignity and security, physical and mental well-being and of freedom. We know that at every age life is a reflection of our dreams.
We may live under impossible circumstances, be unemployed, have financial or personal struggles, but we all have our inner world and are masters of what happens in it. We are responsible for what we are and our ambition towards inner harmony gives us courage, hope, enthusiasm and faith.’
We believe that with our articles we help create a better life and also share information which enriches the life of people who have passed middle age but still are important for the sustainable development of our society.
You may find more information about our public activities on the websites sites of the initiatives we are part of.