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Is the air carrier which provided passengers with free hotel accommodation liable under the Regulation 261/2004 for damages caused by employees of the hotel?

In case of a cancelled flight and a stay of one or more nights the air carrier shall be bound to offer free hotel accommodation to the passengers concerned. Is the air carrier liable for the accommodation itself provided by the hotel?

The Court of the European Union (“the Court”) in its judgment dated September 2020 studied the limitation of the air carrier’s responsibility. The Court reviewed a case where an accommodated passenger suffered damages caused by negligence by employees of the hotel.

The problem enters into the scope of application Regulation 261/2004 (“the Regulation”).

  1. The particular case
  1. The questions to the Court and its answers

2.1 Is the obligation of the air carrier is limited to providing the passengers with a hotel and covering the costs of the accommodation? Or is the air carrier also liable for the accommodation as such?

The answer of the Court:

The of the air carrier under the Regulation in case of a cancelled flight to offer free hotel accommodation does not mean that the air carrier is required to take care of the accommodation arrangements as such.

The considerations of the Court:

2.2 Is the air carrier, which in case of a cancelled flight provided free hotel accommodation, liable for damages caused to the passengers by employees of the hotel?

The answer of the Court:

The Regulation alone does not require from the air carrier, which offered free hotel accommodation to passengers with cancelled flight, to compensate the passengers for the damages caused to them by employees of the hotel.

The considerations of the Court:

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