Licensing of Energy Activities by Mrs. Donika Ilieva, Junior Associate

Home / News / Licensing of Energy Activities by Mrs. Donika Ilieva, Junior Associate

In June 2012 an article entitled “Licensing of energy activities”, written by Ms. Donika Ilieva, junior associate at “Ilieva, Voutcheva & Co” Law firm, was published in “Utilities” magazine, issue 98. This issue of “Utilities” is dedicated to the topics liberalization and trade with electricity, energy efficiency, wind energy technologies and solutions and petrol and fuels.

You can read the article “Licensing of energy activities” in the magazine, as well as here.

“Utilities” is an established monthly specialized magazine for energy, infrastructure and utility services, which shall mark its ten years anniversary in 2013. “Public Services” ltd is the exclusive partner of “Uconomics” Ltd for the editorial and advertising management of “Utilities”, as well as for the magazine on management of buildings and assets – “Facilities”.

Selected materials from each issue are published on You can subscribe to the magazine on the website A new, updated website of “Utilities” is expected soon.