As from June 2019 the producers may label their products of mountainous origin with a special logo, for which they should receive certificate and should be registered in a public register. This is what the new Ordinance No 4 of 28 May 2019 on the terms and procedure for the use of the optional quality term ‘mountain product’ and the control of its usage promulgated in SG, issue 45 from 07.06.2019, prepared from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry provides.
Pursuant to the Ordinance the quality describing term mountain product’ is used to describe the products of plant and animal origin including the beekeeping products produced and processed in mountain regions.The term could also be used in case of direct deliveries of unprocessed products by producers registered under Ordinance № 26 of 14 October 2010 on the specific requirements for direct deliveries of small quantities of raw materials and foodstuffs of animal origin.
It is provided that the term ‘mountain product’ could be used for products produced by animals, which are raised in the indicated regions for at least two-thirds of their lives if the products are processed in these regions.
The logo ‘mountain product’ under Annex No 1 of the Ordinance should be placed on the label or on the accompanying documents of non-prepacked products, only if the products are registered for the respective producer in special public е-register of producers of agricultural products and foodstuffs for which the term for quality ‘mountain product’ is used.
The register is established and maintained by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry on its website. There is a special procedure provided for registration of producers and their products.
The control over the use of the logo is carried out by the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency at every stage of the production, processing and distribution of agricultural products and foodstuffs with the term ‘mountain product’.
In case of established specific violations, the Director of the RDFS withdraws by an order the issued certificate.