Your Success Is a Measure of Our Success

Loyalty. Understanding. Trust.

Your Success Is a Measure of Our Success

About us

Legal experts at high professional level

Ilieva Voutcheva & Co. Law Firm is a team of reliable and trustworthy professionals – an independent practice combining excellent lawyers and paralegal support staff committed to the provision of client focused and partner led service. Our corporate and individual clients receive a full range of legal services of the highest quality in the areas of corporate and commercial law, together with the personal attention of our attorneys.

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At Ilieva Voutcheva & Co. Law Firm, we provide comprehensive legal advice across all business-related legal matters. Our team of experienced lawyers represents and advises both national and international clients in the following areas:

Ilieva Voutcheva & Co. Law Firm provides legal advice in a wide range of industries. Understanding of particular industry and its specialties improves significantly the quality of the advice procured. The firm’s lawyers represent and advise national and international clients within the following industries:

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Some count that matters

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