Residence of Foreigners in Bulgaria during the State of Emergency

Home / News / Residence of Foreigners in Bulgaria during the State of Emergency

The State of Emergency Measures Act introduces changes to the procedures for obtaining extended-term residence permits.

Foreigners whose long-term residence permits expire during the state of emergency may apply for a term extension within 14 days after the state of emergency has been lifted.

Foreigners whose long-term residence permits expire during the state of emergency may enter the country under a visa-free regime within 14 days after the emergency state is lifted.

The right of residence shall not be revoked for foreigners and their family members which have been absent for 12 consecutive months from the member state in which they are allowed to reside. Thus, if such persons leave Bulgaria during the state of emergency, they shall not be considered absent, and therefore their residence permit shall not be revoked.

The news above is intended for information purposes only by drawing your attention to some of the issues that may arise with regard to the foreigners’ right of residence during the state of emergency. We have extracted the texts of the Act as discussed in the National Assembly. There may be changes to some of the texts when the Act itself is promulgated. This should not be construed as (binding) legal advice. For a thorough understanding of the subjects covered and prior acting on any issue discussed we kindly recommend Readers consult Ilieva, Voutcheva & Co. Law Firm attorneys at law.