The last amendments in the Commercial Register and the Non-Profit Legal Entities Register Act (“CRNPLERA”) were published in the State Gazette.
The applicants are no longer obliged to enclose any evidence for the approval of the annual financial statement (“AFS”) and the annual activity report by the competent bodies of the legal entity, to the application for their publication in the Commercial Register and the Non-Profit Legal Entities Register (“CRNPLER”). The representative of the respective entity shall only present a declaration about these circumstances. This shall also apply to the pending procedures.
As of January, 1st 2022, the legal entities shall be exempt from fees for the publication of the AFS in the CRNPLER. As of the same date the applications for AFS and the declarations for lack of activities shall be submitted electronically in accordance with the procedures and deadlines as set down in statistical forms, approved by the president of the National Social Security Institute, and the managing directors of the National Revenue Agency and the Registry Agency.
The transitional and final provisions of the CRNPLERA also amend the State of Emergency Act. This amendment entitles the Council of Ministers to impose temporary measures for protection of the goods produced on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and to pose restriction on the import of goods from states out of the European Union. The sanction for violation of these measures is from BGN 15 000 to BGN 20 000, and for repeated violation – from BGN 30 000 – BGN 50 000.