The Commission on Protection of Competition (“CPC”) Permitted the Concentration Through Acquisition of Sole Control on the Part of Unibel SA over Akurat-Mlechna Promishlenost EOOD

Home / News / The Commission on Protection of Competition (“CPC”) Permitted the Concentration Through Acquisition of Sole Control on the Part of Unibel SA over Akurat-Mlechna Promishlenost EOOD

In its decision dated 3rd February 2011 the Commission on Protection of Competition (“CPC”) permitted the concentration through acquisition of sole control on the part of Unibel SA over Akurat-mlechna promishlenost EOOD. The decision of CPC is also a consequence of the competent assistance of Ilieva, Voutcheva & Co Law Firm, not only at the initial stage of the notification of CPC about the planned concentration, but also during the whole development of the procedure till its final termination. Akurat-mlechna promishlenost EOOD produces milk products and analogues form vegetable origin, but mainly cheese form cow, sheep and goat milk. Unibel SA produces margarines, oils and butters, and the company is owned by Impala Invest B.V., Holland. According to CPC, following to the notified deal, no dominant position will be established so as to impede the effective competition on the respective markets. The CPC’s arguments are that the market of milk products is characterized by the existence of many participants and great diversity of product on one hand, and on the other hand, Akurat-mlechna promishlenost EOOD has no significant share on that market and there is not any other company in the buyer’s group which produces milk products.