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Tired of endless small print in your new internet, mobile internet, or phone contract?

The European Commission has adopted an implementing regulation, which specify how the summary of telecommunication rules is to be provided and the main elements to be included in it, based on the European Electronic Communication Code.

The summary will be required as of 21 December 2020 when the European Electronic Communications Code will become applicable in all Member States.

What the summary should be?

The summary is one page А4 (printed one-sided), which will to be provided to every consumer of electronic communications services prior to the conclusion of the contract. It includes the main element of information that providers are required to make available to consumers.

The information in the contract summary shall be presented in accordance with the order of headings set out in the Annex [1] in portrait format. The font type used shall be such that the text is easily readable.

The contract summary shall be drafted in language that is easily readable and understandable for consumers. The contract summary shall focus on key information that the consumer needs to compare offers and to make an informed decision.

The aim is consumers to be able to better compare different offers for services prior to choosing their service. Furthermore, consumers can obtain the summary in a similar way as they can obtain the contract.

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