Proposal for the establishment of a State Registry Agency

Home / News / Proposal for the establishment of a State Registry Agency

On May 18, 2022, a draft law on the State Registry Agency was submitted to the National Assembly by a group of
members of the Parliament.

It provides for the establishment of a specialized administrative body within the Council of Ministers – the State Registry Agency (“SRA”), which will be responsible for the establishment, maintenance and development of the following registers:

  • The Commercial Register and the Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities
  • BULSTAT Register
  • The Property Register
  • The Cadastre
  • The Register of Rroperty Relations between the Spouses
  • The Central Register of Special Pledges
  • The Unified System for Civil Registration and Administrative Services to the Population; as well as
  • Any other registers and information systems that are assigned to manage the SRA by law.

It is proposed that the SRA be managed by a Chairman appointed by a decision of the Council of Ministers for a term of 5 years. Among the requirements for the Chairman are to have a university degree in Law and not less than 5 years of legal experience. The Chairman will be assisted by three Vice-Chairmen, each of whom is a specialist in the field – one with a university degree in Law, one with a university degree in Geodesy and one with a university degree in Information Technology. The structure of the SRA should be described in detail in the Rules of Procedure, which should be adopted within 3 months of the entry into force of the law.

Among the main motives for the proposal for the establishment of the SRA are the provision of quick, easy and efficient access to key public registers. The initiators of the bill point out the lack of unity between the rules for management and functioning of the available registers as a basis for obstacles to the development of e-government and the digital transformation of society. It is through the creation of such a centralized body that this obstacle is expected to be removed.

Last but not least, the adoption of the law aims to eliminate the administrative and financial burden for individuals and legal entities, which accompanies all types of registration. Existing problems in the area of ​​administrative fees are expected to be eliminated. It is proposed that the methodology for their determination be reconsidered in order to bring them in line with the costs of the provided administrative services.

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