Generally tax disputes may arise from the following situations:

  • During a tax audit (including tax checks). You may not agree with the findings of the Tax Report that finalises the tax audit of Your company or to the corrections put forward by the tax auditors. On time reaction and advice is of utmost importance since the above may automatically transform into tax assessments. You must assert your stance with reasonable technical arguments along with relevant supporting documents.
  • During an objection process against the Tax Audit Act before the administrative body. Irrespective of how strong your arguments are, the respective tax authorities may persist with the issue of tax assessments incorporated in Tax Audit Act based on their proposed adjustments. If you do not agree to a particular tax assessment, you need to file a particular tax appeal with the superior administrative body through the administrative authority that has issued the act.
  • Tax appeals of the Tax Audit Act in court. If the tax authorities reject your tax objection and you are unsatisfied with this fact, you will need to bring the case to the respective administrative court. The tax cases are normally heart in two instances.
  • Reconsideration process. Under certain circumstances, you may not agree with the tax court decision in respect of your tax appeals. In this respect, you will need to bring the tax court decisions on your appeals or complaints to the Supreme Administrative Court for reconsideration.

Apart from the above, tax disputes may also arise with another taxpayer in respect of withholding tax.

We are able to represent you in any and all cases as described above in order to remove or mitigate significantly the adverse effects of tax audits.