We advised and assisted our Client regarding an alert to Ministry of Culture of Republic of Bulgaria for breach of IP rights relating to a TV Movie Series owned by the Client. The client contacted us with rather unusual and interesting case about a newly established practice of several famous night clubs and facilities organizing themed parties under the name of the TV Movie Series and its characters. The campaigns were distributed by Facebook to a large number of people. All clubs used without permission by the right holders, scenes from the TV series as well as names of the characters. Several actors participating in the TV series were invited as VIP guest to attract more clients to the events. This wrongful practice breached the IP rights of our client who appointed us to draft an alert to the state body responsible for the protection of IP rights. Ms. Donika Ilieva, Associate addressed the Ministry of Culture with the facts and requested the entire wrongful practice to be seized and if applicable fines to be imposed for the violations committed. As a result of our actions the event was cancelled by the owners of a night club.